Anti-whaling activist Paul Watson could face up to 15 years’ prison in Japan if convicted to World – 400 points –
Anti-whaling activist Paul Watson could face up to 15 years’ prison in Japan if convicted

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doesnt japan have a near 100% conviction rate too? they dont prosecute offences if theres a chance of not winning?

It's not 100% but it's super high and, yeah, they usually don't prosecute unless they think they have a really solid case. That said, some of that also includes confessions that some have argued are under duress (and, in the case of foreigners, people who aren't exactly sure what they're signing, though I have no idea how that's legal).

i mean "don't prosecute until they have a solid case" is one way of looking at it, the other is "the courts always side with the police"

Not sure what sort of sentence he's looking at here though.

The guy who actually boarded the ship and tried to assault the captain only got a suspended sentence. And this guy is being tried as an accomplice for that.

It doesn't sound terribly serious, tbh.

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