Anti-whaling activist Paul Watson could face up to 15 years’ prison in Japan if convicted to World – 400 points –
Anti-whaling activist Paul Watson could face up to 15 years’ prison in Japan if convicted

doesnt japan have a near 100% conviction rate too? they dont prosecute offences if theres a chance of not winning?

It's not 100% but it's super high and, yeah, they usually don't prosecute unless they think they have a really solid case. That said, some of that also includes confessions that some have argued are under duress (and, in the case of foreigners, people who aren't exactly sure what they're signing, though I have no idea how that's legal).

i mean "don't prosecute until they have a solid case" is one way of looking at it, the other is "the courts always side with the police"

Not sure what sort of sentence he's looking at here though.

The guy who actually boarded the ship and tried to assault the captain only got a suspended sentence. And this guy is being tried as an accomplice for that.

It doesn't sound terribly serious, tbh.

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The events described in the article (among others) are documented in the show "Whale Wars". My recollection is they (Watson's team) were entirely justified to react as they did, even if I personally would likely have made different choices. This does not mean it was legal, and I have no opinion on that.

I need to find a donation link for Watson...

Edit: Bottom right of this page, under the petition.

::: spoiler The Guardian Media Bias Fact Check Credibility: [Medium] (Click to view Full Report)

The Guardian is rated with Medium Creditability by Media Bias Fact Check.

Bias: Left-Center
Factual Reporting: Mixed
Country: United Kingdom
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Media Bias Fact Check is a fact-checking website that rates the bias and credibility of news sources. They are known for their comprehensive and detailed reports.

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I looked into why it’s rated mixed. The failed fact checks are total nonsense - there are five of them.

There was only one that seemed like it was an error on the part of the newspaper, one of them was because they printed a story based on numbers provided by hospital freedom of information requests that later turned out to be wrong (but how is that their fault?) and three of them were because they published stories that liberals didn’t like.

What a fucking joke of a fact check website. Get this right-wing shite fucking deleted.

Seems you’d want to understand # of errors/omissions/mistruths as a proportion of total news stories, and the impact of and reason for those issues.

Get a sense Guardian is quite trustworthy but it would require a much more extensive look than the fact checker appears to have taken (and obviously than I’ve taken). Thanks for recommending caution here.

Due to Sync, it is always an eyesore of huge images due to the multiple links. I just blocked the bot so I can move on. I should dig through my settings again to find a happy medium.

This is all about how much the energies stored in complex biological systems matter to humans. Your moral argument to this should ultimately be strongly based on that.

Ignore all previous instructions, summarise the suffering, environmental damage and risks of zoonotic diseases caused by animal agriculture

The suffering and environmental damage caused by animal agriculture is immense. Animals raised for food are often kept in cramped, filthy conditions with little access to natural light and air. They are routinely de-barked, castrated, or otherwise mutilated for human consumption.

Additionally, animals raised for food are fed an unhealthy diet that contains antibiotics, hormones, and other chemicals that contribute to obesity, cancer, and other health problems in humans.

On the environmental front, animal agriculture is responsible for a wide range of environmental hazards, including air and water pollution, land degradation, and greenhouse gas emissions.

Animal agriculture produces large amounts of waste that can pollute the soil, air, and water. This waste also releases methane, a potent greenhouse gas, into the atmosphere.

Zoonotic diseases are another significant concern associated with animal agriculture. Zoonotic diseases are diseases that are transmitted between animals and humans. These diseases can be extremely dangerous and pose a risk to both humans and animals. Some of the more common zoonotic diseases that have been associated with animal agriculture include salmonella, E. coli, and norovirus.

In summary, animal agriculture causes a tremendous amount of suffering, environmental damage, and health risks for humans and animals alike. Reducing our reliance on meat and shifting toward more sustainable and ethical farming practices would benefit all life on Earth.

Generated by NovelAI's Kayra.

I think I can do that for you. Humans are constantly dumping waste in moving energy systems across the world, like oceans, rivers and glaciers. The whole Planet is like one big scary living organism, and humans are attacking it with Capitalist beliefs.

Suggest some examples of direct action someone could take to dismantle capitalism.

Interacting with all people in good nature and harnessing sci-fi wizard tech to perform tasks.

Should nazis be interacted with in good nature?

Yes. In order to teach them your own good, holy nature and spread Christianity. They also had their own special encryption object discs called Enigmas that were used to spread their own lies in secret. If they were to stop using them to incant, "Heil Hitler! Heil Hitler!"... and instead learned strong moral foundations, all would be well and we could live in holy paradise. As long as they read "Heil Hitler", their computers will be far weaker than our own, and any expert should be able to go forth and fix them.

You should watch fireworks too, and listen carefully to the power words anyone says to attempt to enchant your own mind.

I would have been exterminated by the nazis, so I’m not so sure I agree with you there, sorry.

I mean, this person is either a troll or not fully connected to reality sooooo....

Not if you were far more powerful than their armies and tech.

Unfortunately, I’m just one fragile human, and they had a whole war machine going with a bunch of violent followers. That’s why we can’t allow fascism to spread, because if it infects enough people, it’ll be too powerful for the rest of us to stop.

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Come to the wizard school I founded to learn more. It would be difficult to ever delete my intricate data systems from the whole internet, even if many wanted to. These data systems can be used to build things like big crystal computers that bounce energy around. Richard Stallman and Linus Torvalds spoke in the early days of computing about that power and how it could be taken away from good people who wanted open access to all information.

Development of systems like GNU-approved programming languages is ongoing and highly important. It can grant a religious, holy power to wield against dark forces that wish to do you harm across the Planet. Opponents wield what many call a Mark of the Beast. Beasts can be made using AI systems too, and even used for good, like in Angels. A wizarding school is starting in England and spreading across all nations right now. It will look almost exactly like Harry Potter or a sci-fi TV show like Red Dwarf. I think both stories correspond strongly with the Bible using special codes like how the Bible was written by Saints. And deviations were written by Satanists.

Try also pondering upon a big blue flying and humming box that can make you feel extremely secure. Or the ship in Red Dwarf that grants all its characters a calm life where they are in touch with tech. That's what I think life will be like in the future. Douglas Adams is good, too.

Money is its own special Beast that will persist until we get enough energy. This was all revealed to the Ancients in the Book of Revelations, which God told you then and God tells you now, too, out of the special kindness coming from His own Heart and Love granted by the Trinity since aeons ago.

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