Study Finds Consumers Are Actively Turned Off by Products That Use AI to – 2182 points –
Study Finds Consumers Are Actively Turned Off by Products That Use AI

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And workers...


She looks so done with it. It is amazing how tone deaf and incapabale of detecting emotions the higher ups must have been to OK that image. Not blaming any one lower to approve this, they are probably all fed up too and were happy to use this.

Plus, it's way too cold at her vast and empty warehouse hot desk, because she's wearing at least two sweaters. Please let this lady have a cubicle of her own with a little space heater.

They'd usually use a paid actor for this, so it makes me wonder, did they just force a regular employee to pose for this

Is that a real copilot ad?

This is the link I had I believe, but it's not loading for me now. Either it will work for you, or they pulled it. (comments were brutal IIRC)

Related article about it:

The post is still there.

I just can’t see anyone contributing anything meaningful to a meeting when they’re split across three different conversations. If that’s the case for this hypothetical employee, she’s part of the problem.

I just can’t see anyone contributing anything meaningful to a meeting when they’re split across three different conversations. If that’s the case for this hypothetical employee, she’s part of the problem.

I think the whole idea is that the AI handles two of those meetings for her (somehow) But yes, I try to put myself in the mind of someone who is enthused to finally be able to "attend" three meetings at once, and I just can't. I have a good job that I mostly enjoy, and am usually enthusiastic about my work. No fucking way.

The only people who could want this are the 1% (and wanna-be 1%), and they want it so the rest of us can attend three meetings at once to increase their wealth even faster.

It's people who brag about how hard they work and how many hours they work when other people say they hate their jobs.

And those people make me laugh. Oh really? You worked 80 hours last week? I "worked" 40, which meant about 4 hours of actual work a day, clocked out at 5 on the dot every day and spent time with my family.

I'm never contributing anything meaningful to the meetings I am continuously added to, so it would be nice to have an AI stand in. I could do the goddamn job I originally applied for instead of scrums, special project scrums, and meta scrums.

I mean, that’s exactly the advantage of slack over meetings but that doesn’t tickle middle management fancy as much.