Alice Bellandi wins gold for Italy with a kiss. Giorgia Meloni wants to take away her rights as an Italian citizen. to – 809 points –

Via Pics on Reddit as "Italian right wing prime minister Giorgia Meloni reacts to two girls kissing at the olympics"

Post was originally titled "Lesbian Kiss at the Olympics / Far Right Italian Prime Minister Reaction" but the pictures are unlikely to have been taken at the same event.


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Welcome to German politics. You thought the orange boi was weird...

Maximilian Krah, the now more or less disgraced frontrunner for the EU elections has 7 kids from like 4 different women. The AfD still explicitly claims to be in favour of traditional families

What's the contradiction? Clearly, he likes traditional families so much he started four of them! \s

Former prime minister now disgraced former MP Boris Johnson thinks them be rookie numbers. If you know how many kids you have you're doing it wrong.

A traditional family is when a woman has 7 kids by the same man, duh. More than one, she’s a sluuuuuut.

Now, men. That’s a different story. All they gotta do is warsh thurr wiener and bam, purity.

Sounds like Trump! Similarly, a majority of his wives weren’t American.

I like my women like I like my Hitlers. Speaking a language I don’t understand. :p