Scoop: Trump stalled Black journalists interview over fact-checking to politics – 228 points –

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"I was prepared to go on stage to craft a statement, saying he decided not to go on stage because of fact-checking... we couldn't compromise on that."

As [NABJ president Ken] Lemon was preparing that statement, Trump walked onto the stage.


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When he got there, all of a sudden they were black. He hadn't noticed they were black before

They became black just for the interview.

It's a small thing, but when you watch it he stopped himself from saying "went black" and instead said "turned black". They're both pretty bad, but I just think it's funny that in his mind "turned black" was the way to say it.

I suspect the guy is so old, racist, and dementia riddled that he can't tell Nikki Haley and Kamala Harris apart. That would somewhat explain the "turned black" comment.