Kyle Rittenhouse criticized Donald Trump. So conservatives said he's transgender. to politics – 838 points –
Kyle Rittenhouse criticized Donald Trump. So conservatives said he's transgender. - LGBTQ Nation

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as a leftie

Real I'm a black gay guy vibes here.

Show us your leftie registration papers please.

Here's the thing: If I don't include that I'm a leftie I spend the whole time defending why i'm not a conservative and never actually discussing the topic.

If I mention that I'm a leftie that disagrees with the main take: I spend the whole time defending why im not a conservative and never discussing the topic.


It's damned if I do damned if don't. This is cult behavior. If you disagree with my position, refute my position or provide an argument. There is no grace or charitability offered. Like, why?

So many people on this platform spend all their energy in labeling but never discussing the actual points.

If I don't include that I'm a leftie I spend the whole time defending why i'm not a conservative and never actually discussing the topic.

Huh, so if you don't explicitly inform people that you identify as a leftist, everyone assumes that you aren't because of all of your right-wing positions? That sounds like a you problem...

I hate to break it to you, but if you're frequently encountering situations where you're the only person in the room who thinks you're a leftist, you're not a leftist. You can self-identify all you want, we don't have to believe you. And if other leftists think you aren't an ally, you absolutely don't get to correct the record on that by supporting Kyle Rittenhouse.

If I mention that I'm a leftie that disagrees with the main take: I spend the whole time defending why im not a conservative and never discussing the topic.

Dude's so mad he paraphrased the first sentence in his second sentence.


You're a self-proclaimed leftist who supports a fascist who murdered other leftists at a BLM protest. Everyone is engaging with the substance of your argument quite directly.

It's damned if I do damned if don't. This is cult behavior. If you disagree with my position, refute my position or provide an argument. There is no grace or charitability offered. Like, why?

Being a debatelord isn't helping with the right-wing accusations here, bud. The Kyle Rittenhouse case is old news. You know the Left's position on him. If being identified as a leftist is so important to you, you're going to have to accept that endorsing the murder of leftists while they protest isn't a narrative that is going to earn you anything ever.

So many people on this platform spend all their energy in labeling but never discussing the actual points.

You didn't defend your point at all in this post and are more concerned with people accepting you as a "leftie", so don't get mad that we're only responding to what you're giving us. At this point you're more interested in convincing us that you're a leftist than explaining in real terms why you like Kyle Rittenhouse and support killing BLM protesters in the street.

If you want to focus on the conversation, stop pearl-clutching every time someone tells you that you're wrong. If you want a discussion, stop getting hung up on being disagreed with and state your point like an adult.


The fact that you automatically assumed that from the get-go is ALL I NEED TO KNOW about how much you care about reality or facts.

The ONLY thing you talked about is if is this guy really left or not?

You’re a self-proclaimed leftist who supports a fascist who murdered other leftists at a BLM protest.

No, they are addressing the facts. Notice how you don't mention the facts at all, you mention a narrative: sticking people in boxes and then taking sides. You're all but outright admitting the facts are secondary, at best. Just like a good trump supporter.

I tagged you a long time ago, and your comments always live up to what I tagged you. I'll leave what tag I used up to your imagination.

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spend the whole time defending

You're defending your braindead ideas, not 'which social group you're in'; it's irrelevant.

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