JD Vance’s wife: My husband only meant to insult people who actively choose not to have kids, not people who are trying but are unsuccessful

MicroWave@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 614 points –
JD Vance’s Wife: My Husband Only Meant to Insult People Who Actively Choose Not to Have Kids, Not People Who Are Trying but Are Unsuccessful

She did not touch on his claim that people who don’t have kids are more sociopathic.


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I have a question. I have actively chosen to not have kids because I don’t want to, but I once went into a MEPS and literally signed my life away to Uncle Sam as a tool of the Navy.

Does that make me more or less American than the people who just cum in each other for something to do on a Tuesday, because they’re in America?

I'm choosing not to have kids because of all the fucked up genetics in my family.

Tons of depression, cancer, mental illness and antisocial behavior. I don't want anyone else to have to suffer what I've had to deal with this life.

I hope you're well, mate. That sounds like a rough lot, but I really hope that you have folks around you that love you, and can be good for you. I had a friend that I probably didn't tell enough that I wanted to be there for him when he was down. It can be hard for people watching loved ones struggle and not knowing how to engage with it, but I hope that it isn't seen as them not caring, and hope that you have those friends or family ready to support you, even I'd they don't quite know how to right away.

Thank you, and I do have a pretty good support group. If anything has gone well in my life is that there are a few people I can rely on and who get me and are always there. And I can't imagine how hard this life would have been without them.

That's very altruistic of you. You can always adopt if you want to have kids btw.

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