Gov. Tim Walz doesn't own a single stock to politics – 988 points –
  • His disclosures, both from his final year in Congress and his time as Minnesota governor, also show no mutual funds, bonds, private equities, or other securities.
  • No book deals or speaking fees or crypto or racehorse interests.
  • Not even real estate. The couple sold their Mankato, Minnesota, home after moving into the governor's mansion, for below the $315k asking price).

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How can we trust him to look out for the interests of the capitalist class?

Everyone has a price. For example, I sold my soul to a friend in highschool in exchange for a stick of gum.

Guy like Tom Walz? Probably about 13 sticks of gum

What’s JD Vance’s price then? A harem full of couches?

A simple day at the furniture store with Daddy Trump would suffice. Or a VHS of the '90s Flipper movie

I knew a guy in high school who did this once. Now i’m questioning if I know you.