Are there any "famous" Lemmy users? to Ask – 234 points –

Like users that are known for a gimmick or that everyone sees alot?


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Is that the actual actress? If so, how the fuck did she wind up here?

It's obviously the real actress. Who else would it be? Do you think someone on the internet would just pick that name to use if it isn't theirs?

This is one of my favorite reaction images of all time. Remember when they were called reaction images?

I used to have carefully organized folders so I could accurately represent my face when.

She's a top NSA spy. Learnt the ropes while shooting the Barbie movie, which was actually a front for a vast police operation to capture the hobbits. Apparently, they live in Barbieland.

The account doesn't really act like someone pretending to be an actor, and whoever runs it was mainly posting during the SAG strike when she would have had more free time. So I want to believe it's her, because she replied to one of my posts and that was pretty cool.

She responded to me a few times. Mostly because I was messing with her. I don't think it's really her. But she's a good sport about the whole thing.

Of course not, she probably never touched a computer in her life.