Trump's plan to quell protests: 'Deport pro-Hamas radicals' to politics – 165 points –
Trump's plan to quell protests: 'Deport pro-Hamas radicals'

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It’s fear-mongering. Trump cant deport any protesters.

Jimmy thinks everyone is a maga agent here. Come off it

It's not fear mongering when trump actually did try to deport US citizens under his administration

Stop believing trump won't do horrible things when he shown that he will

I am concerned about the horrible things the current administration is complicit in. Trump sucks and would not be such a looming threat if both sides weren’t ok with genocide.

That's sidestepping what was claimed earlier. The claim was that trump was just "fear-mongering" and was not able to actually deport protestors. I showed that he has actually tried to deport US citizens before. Please don't just make a claim then ignore it when someone responds

Again, why are people protesting? See the top comment in this tread, and talk to me about ignoring something. I’m not the one downvoting and ignoring genocide

Please either defend or concede your claim instead of shifting the conversation again without addressing that. I am happy to continue a productive conversation, but I see no point in continuing one where any claim is liable to be shifted away from

Remember when Jimmy Dore went on the majority report and tried to tell people that Trump having the ability to pick supreme court justices is meaningless. And that if Trump got elected, Democrats would coalesce to stop him from passing anything. This is what your delusional post sounds like. Trump would fortify a Justice department in the image of the most extremist yes men that would get rubber-stamped by the supreme Court which has proven itself to completely ignore the letter of the law.

Sidebar: just what happened to Jimmy Dore anyway?

He figured out conservative view points and undermining the progressive movement was more lucrative.

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