The Verge Under Fire For Publishing Info About ‘Deadlock,’ Valve’s Secret Shooter to – 274 points –
The Verge Under Fire For Publishing Info About ‘Deadlock,’ Valve’s Secret Shooter

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The so what is that this writer for the verge will likely never be trusted with NDA type pre-release access for any other games going forward, and this may even impact all of the Verge.

This isn't just a one and done kind of issue, this will be seen by the entire industry as a "can't trust that guy with pre-release access"

The Verge isn't pulling the article and they are currently backing their journo. The whole site is blacklisted at this point.

They didn't get an NDA.

Sure they don't have any trust from the industry anymore.

It doesn't have to be a legal document for there to be consequences.

The rest of the industry uses embargo agreements with mutual consent if they have private information. This doesn't change anything for other game companies, unless they also want to do private-but-not-private beta tests.

Sure, and they proved that they won't respect valves wishes unless legally required to do so. Valve is now in a position where if they want to do future play tests they will have to manage NDAs for everyone which is probably more trouble than it's worth. The general population is now less likely to get an opportunity like this because the verge wanted to get some easy clicks. It's pathetic of them to sell us out like this.

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