X ordered to pay $600K to fired employee who didn’t click 'yes' on email ultimatum

jeffw@lemmy.world to Technology@lemmy.world – 751 points –
X ordered to pay $600K to fired employee who didn’t click 'yes' on email ultimatum

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I just noticed that I like posts with "X ordered to do..." sooo much better than posts with "Elon says..."

I prefer the latter, because it's so much easier to filter out posts about Elon than it is to filter out posts about X (without creating a ton of false positives).

exactly this. i have a filter on certain keywords. his name is in there but there's nothing I can do to avoid posts about the platform.

it's super irritating.

Does your filter recognize whitespace? Including a space before and/or after X should catch the posts about the platform while not filtering out posts that just have an X inside a word somewhere. X isn't going to be a single letter surrounded by space unless it's referring to the platform.

i have tried with various formats and unfortunately none of them work, or they just ignore the attempt.

i appreciate you trying to help, though. i honestly just kinda wish it would change names again so it'd be easier to somehow block. lol

Ah, fair enough. I'm almost certain some sort of regex wizardry would be able to solve this problem, but I'm not nearly enough of a wizard to tell you what the proper spell would be. And that's assuming your filter even supports regex.

Best of luck dodging headlines, I guess.

Honestly, between these obsession posts and all the other non-tech news that gets posted here, I just unsubscribed this morning. The signal to noise ratio in this community is just not worth it to me.

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