Elon Musk may have to sell billions in Tesla stock to rescue X

gedaliyah@lemmy.worldmod to News@lemmy.world – 741 points –
Elon Musk may have to sell billions in Tesla stock to rescue X

Musk’s repeated outbursts against advertisers have dried up the main source of revenue for the loss-making company formerly known as Twitter. A recent decision to sue them for heeding his own advice to not buy ads on the platform hasn’t helped. At some point, he will have to provide a fresh infusion of cash to salvage his $44 billion takeover.


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Free market capitalism will say to let it fail.

Big if true.


*if true


You don't need " == True" except if it's the name of a variable that's not boolean, in which case it wouldn't make sense to name it "True".


Some languages have nullable booleans where evaluating them directly may lead to errors. An example is PowerQuery M, which is designed for data queries and transformations, where "no value" may be distinct from "false".

The syntax of the example most definitely isn't M, but I'm just saying, such languages exist.

You do realize this is a joke, right? That this is not a programming community, so a little clarity of said joke may be beneficial?

Sometimes it’s better to go with the flow, and not overthink things. 😊

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Oh that's okay they'll make an exception for him. He's too rich.

Free market only matters when adhering to it fucks consumers.

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