Elon Musk may have to sell billions in Tesla stock to rescue X

gedaliyah@lemmy.worldmod to News@lemmy.world – 741 points –
Elon Musk may have to sell billions in Tesla stock to rescue X

Musk’s repeated outbursts against advertisers have dried up the main source of revenue for the loss-making company formerly known as Twitter. A recent decision to sue them for heeding his own advice to not buy ads on the platform hasn’t helped. At some point, he will have to provide a fresh infusion of cash to salvage his $44 billion takeover.


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What an unfunny dipshit. He actually thought that was clever.

It is clever, he told everyone up front that he was there to sink the company.

I thought that actually was the joke of this stunt, and he was being sarcastic. Was that not it?

I think it was originally supposed to be "let that sink in" so they let it in.

But, yeah unless there's some kind of 5D chess that I'm not seeing, he is sinking it.

Maybe since he's full MAGA now, he's merely decided he's tired of winning.

It might’ve been funny if he was remotely likable. Turns out that humor depends highly on not being an asshole.

Nah, the problem is there's just nothing humorous about it. Not even Robin Williams could've made that bit work, and everybody loves him. (RIP)

I actually don't care for Robin Williams. I don't actively dislike his stuff, I just find his humor off-putting. Good Morning Vietnam was OK.

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