Donald Trump Falsely Claims Taylor Swift’s Endorsement with Garbage AI-Generated Posts to politics – 507 points –
Donald Trump Falsely Claims Taylor Swift’s Endorsement with Garbage AI-Generated Posts

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That is good! He will piss off Taylor Swift with that move, who will turn the Swifties towards Harris.

Are there really swifties that are Trump supporters? I mean, probably, but like, come on

The big thing it might do is mobilize the squirrels to hide....

I swear I typed "Swifties to vote" but my phone decided "squirrels to hide"was better.

in my experience, most things will mobilize the squirrels to hide

That's not the point. She could easily tap the biggest voter resource - the non-voters - by asking her fans to go and vote. Imagine a horde of switfties registering now and then voting in November...

asking her fans to go and vote.

I don't follow her at all, but I was under the impression that she did this already.

Well, you can just "say something" and you can really bring a message home if you have the influence.

If there's one thing I've learned, it's to never underestimate the spread of TSwift's influence. Never.

Yea like a shitload of religious people that just do as they’re told and vote as they’re told by their tax exempt pastor.

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