Instagram app no longer lets you post stories without allowing camera and mic access on ios to Mildly – 522 points –

There is no reason to require this setting for users who aren’t posting live videos.


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Yea, but it's a good phone to target, Pixels are one of the few remaining manufacturers that freely let you unlock the BL and probably one of the last that is carried by nearly all major US carriers. OnePlus used to be another but iirc they've stopped selling on all carriers stores

Yes yes yes, you can buy any frequency-compatible phone you'd like from like Amazon, AliExpress, Best Buy, manufacturer store etc but that's an expensive option for many as you have to front the entire purchase price with little exception.

So if you want a BL unlockable phone, purchased through a carrier to take advantage of the reduced financial load of payments instead of all up front, in the's pretty much just Pixels

I was interested because everyone keeps talking about it and I wanted to try it myself but it's compatible only with pixels. I have a Samsung and I changed phone recently so I'm not going to buy it again. I don't want to spend 600+ for a new phone + 2/300? (100?) for the buds but my next phone will be a pixel🤔

Oof, yea Samshits are the worst of the worst. They're actively hostile to those who would dare want to use their phone how they see fit.

Even if the stars align and people are able to breakthrough the BL lockdown, Samshit phones are designed to blow an efuse and permanently lock the phone to 80% battery capacity just for a big ol fuck you

Never EVER buy Samshit phones if you can help it

Uh what? For real? And that's shit is even legal?! TIL! I'll never buy another Samsung phone then

Take it with a grain of salt.

If it's true, I'll never buy it again, lf it's not, I'll never buy it again anyway

Why would you want to buy new buds?

Samsung buds? I know they have 100% features with Samsung devices, I don't know if it works with other devices

Would be pretty shitty if they artificially didnt worked. It think it's still an headphones that can be used even without the, I'm guessing, nice intégration with Samsung phone.

Disclaimer: I've never owned Samsung buds.

Honestly? I like the "switch between devices" sometimes I use the old phone then I switch to my main buuut.. I hope they don't do it

Thank you for not saying that the bootloader comes unlocked. It doesnt.

You can't unlock the bootloader on carrier-locked Pixel phones; they need to be SIM unlocked in order for the "OEM Unlocking" option to be available.

Yes, but it's far easier to obtain a SIM unlock than it is to unlock a BL from a manufacturer that just says "No" instead of "As long as it gets carrier unlocked"

I have a Pixel Fold purchased and (still) financed through T-Mobile that is BL unlocked and rooted. Most of the time they'll override their SIM unlock requirements if you've had an account for awhile. Unsure about ATT, I've heard they're 50/50. Verizon, ofc, are a bunch of bitches about it

Even Verizon? I've had a few phones from Verizon that were supposedly easy to root or whatever but they have that shit locked down tight.

Verizon are a bunch of bitches about it, they're as bad as Samshit. They're a match made in hell tbh.

Of the major 3 carriers, it's always been T-Mobile that's the "most friendly" to tinkerers. Technically, you can't unlock the BL until it's been carrier unlocked, which TMO is generally OK about overriding their requirements as long as you've had an account for awhile

I recently bought and then returned a used Verizon pixel 8 because I couldn't unlock the bootloader or even add a non Verizon eSIM.

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