Police raid Andrew Tate's home in Romania as new allegations emerge involving minors

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Police raid Andrew Tate's home in Romania as new allegations emerge involving minors

Masked police officers in Romania carried out fresh raids early Wednesday at the home of divisive internet influencer Andrew Tate, who is awaiting trial on charges of human trafficking, rape and forming a criminal gang to sexually exploit women.

Romania’s anti-organized crime agency, DIICOT, said it was searching four homes in Bucharest and nearby Ilfov county, investigating allegations of human trafficking, the trafficking of minors, sexual intercourse with a minor, influencing statements and money laundering. The agency added that hearings will later be held at its headquarters.


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When I think of all the horrible shit that goes on in the world, the thing that keeps me going is that Greta Thunburg is responsible for the Tates getting arrested. Life is wonderful sometimes.

I'm OOTL, can you explain?

legend goes that Greta made the guy mad on xitter and he posted a response that also included a picture of himself with a pizza box, and cops knew where to find him because of the brand on the box, but not sure if it was proven true or not

Of course the police would deny it. They can't readily admit to browsing the social media of people they want to arrest for info, it would make the technique less effective. The whole story makes sense though, Tate would have been traveling a lot and it would be difficult to guarantee an arrest.

She also told him off for not recycling the pizza boxes and boom busted. Or so the story goes.

IIRC Tate tweeted at Thunberg something about his cars, and in that photo was a pizza box of a Romanian pizza place which lead to police knowing he was in the country.

i remember that haha funniest shit ever.. and then he became a hc muslim because he got scared in prison

I can't remember the details, and too lazy to search it up right now, but I think it was like Greta and him were having a Twitter argument, and he maybe posted a photo with a background that accidentally disclosed his location, so authorities who were already looking to arrest him were able to act on it.

Pizza box with an identifiable store narrowing down his location. Romanian police say the brothers whereabouts were already known due to an ongoing investigation, but the timing of the arrest sure is funny.


I mean, there are many addresses within the vicinity of any given pizza place. Pretty doubtful that nothing but a pizza box could reveal exactly where somebody is.

"Hey Pizza Shop, it's The Law here. Did you have any orders for an 'A. Tate' recently? You did? Where did you deliver them to? Ok, thanks."

Stupider things have happened and if I was a detective you'd be damn sure I'd at least give this a try.

Don't forget to give that fucking moron Adin Ross his flowers too.

There's a lot more good stuff out there. It just doesn't get articles, clicks, or social media shares.

You see mostly things that get you outraged all the time largely because everyone is addicted to outrage.