[OC] Spotted on a road which is funded by my taxes

NegativeLookBehind@lemmy.world to pics@lemmy.world – 399 points –

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"I gave the government extra money for a vanity plate so that I can tell the world that I don't support or recognize the government. "

Pretty sure it's not an official plate. The sovereign citizens will print their own. Sometimes like this in an effort to fool cops into thinking its a regular plate so they don't get pulled over.

What a steal

🤣🤣 "for a North American automatic covered wagon" the fucking mental gymnastics.....jfc.....

“I refuse to play by the government’s rules and I will not support their policies or economy”

Buys sovcit plate with USD

It's not a customized plate, it's just straight up fake. Sov citizens buy them, and cops often don't even pull then over because they're so fucking annoying to deal with.

How is handcuffing and unceremoniously throwing someone in jail annoying?

Just a guess, but it's probably just because the person would end up throwing a tantrum. "YOU CAN'T ARREST ME! I'M BEING ARRESTED! I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING WRONG! WHERE'S YOUR PROOF!" (Or something like that.) As anyone around them tries to ignore the guy shouting at the top of his lungs and trying to do his best not to get handcuffed.