Black Myth: Wukong Devs Told Streamers to Avoid Politics in Their Playthroughs. It Backfired to – 355 points –
‘Black Myth: Wukong’ Devs Told Streamers to Avoid Politics in Their Playthroughs. It Backfired

The Chinese studio granted early access on the condition that topics like “feminist propaganda” and “Covid-19” go unmentioned. What followed is the Streisand effect in full force.

“I feel that it only served to bring more attention on Game Science’s culture of sexism,” linktothepabst says. “All they had to do was let the game speak for itself, but it came off, to me, like an own goal, effectively stoking the flames between the people who were using this game as weapon against ‘wokeness in games’ and those who can level-headedly either enjoy the game and criticize GS or just ignore the game altogether.”

It’s the Streisand effect in full force: Try to hide something, and it becomes all the more visible. “Nobody was going to bring up Chinese politics unprompted,” Zhong says, “but the topic was there as soon as they released those guidelines.”


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To the mod who removed my comment.

There was absolutely 0 sexism in that comment. You deleted it, stating sexism and that it broke rule 1, which it absolutely did not. I was very civil in disproving the claims the article presents, meanwhile I still have comments responding to my comment implying that I'm gay and a slave for saying it, but those don't break rule 1?

You've used your moderation to help the spread of misinformation, which is against rule 8.

You should be ashamed of yourself.

Looking at your replies in that thread, I suspect that your comment did break rules.

You don't need to suspect you can check for yourself, modlog exists.

Just checked it myself. Turned out to be a load of Gamergate bullshit. Not surprised it got removed.

What horseshit. Not a single thing I've said has been gatekeeping games. If you truly believe the post being removed, or any of the bans I have were justified, you probably only saw the mod messages without reading my posts. Every single post in that mod log is me calling out misinformation.

Do you know what gamer gate refers to? It doesn't have anything to do with gatekeeping is why I mention it.

It refers to a movement that tried to gatekeep women out of games. It happened because a female game developer allegedly slept with a reputable game journalist in order to market her game. It very much is about gatekeeping. That's why it is called Gamergate in the first place, though it was mostly harassment.

Criticising game journalists who spread misinformation does not make me a gamergater.

It was called Gamergate because of The Watergate Scandal. It was a fad for almost 40 years in US media to add "gate" to the end of whatever scandal was going on. Any gatekeeping meaning was added well after the fact

Fine, I'm wrong about the name. It was still about a bunch of people trying to gatekeep women out of games and gamedev, though, which is not what I'm doing.

That was a false allegation made by her ex boyfriend as revenge.

No, it's called gamer gate because every major scandal is just called blah gate after watergate. It was not called gamer gate because of gatekeeping.

Dumb question: how do you check the modlog?

Here you go. You're free to judge for yourself.

You comments are probably not sexist, but they are likely misinformation. The comments in IGN are likely not mis-translation, since the Mandarin-spwaking community also had pretty big reactions to the comments and histories of game science. See: and (you can try to use google translate to read the article).

The screenshot in the IGN article, to the best of my knowledge, is correctly translated. The comments listed has as much sexual implication as the translation.

I use both Mandarin and English on a daily bases, and can translate between them pretty well. It would be great for me and others, if you can be more specific on which parts of the developer's posts are mistranslated.

So to your best knowledge, "getting licked" is literal, and not figuratively "recieving praise"? Just want to confirm this, because this is what changes the meaning from something sexist to just something unprofessional. It is the basis of my entire argument because this is what my sources all say. I'm not saying the developers weren't unprofessional. I'm saying they weren't sexist.

It is in between, getting licked is the figurative speech for "unjust praises" with a hint of submission in the tone.

English also have a similar expression like "licking one's boots", but in Chinese it is more sexual, as it typically refers to licking something else. An alternative is "跪舔", which means "kneel and lick".

There are other comments in the article I linked:


Qi Yang (lead artist) has publically stated in 2013: "we don't need female player", "something are for guys only", and "if we truely love soft female or gay stuff, we would change our product, I would wear stocking to work everyday.


On August 20, 2023, the technical artist of Game Science, Wei Dai, claimed on Zhihu (Chinese Quora): "[the players] will be able to masturbate to" the female snake monster in Black Myth. "Although she has the neck of a snake, which might not be the conventional aesthetic [for masturbation], but people can eventually get used to it"

That being said, I do not claim that the dev still holds this view point now. China is a rapidly developing country, and its ideology and culture can shift just as fast.

But I am very dishearten that they would mention "feminist propaganda" in their review bans. It seems like they are still not accepting of feminism.

So how is what I said misinformation, then? If what you said is true, then that still means the journalists claiming sexism are wrong.

From my point of view, the IGN article doesn't seem to have mistranslation, as you claim in your original article.

As for whether using clear sexual language in a professional environment is "sexism", I think it could be up for debate.

OK, I understand where you're coming from.

This might only be my opinion, but if you translate something without either providing a translation note explaining the figurative meaning, or using an English equivalent (like "ass kissing"), isn't that purposefully altering the meaning of a translation? And is that not mistranslation?

I see, you are right, but translation are typically limited by space, and can never be 100% accurate without pages to explain the cultural context. Thus, it is typical for translator to choose the cloest translation that is also concise.

I claim that IGN translation is accurate, because I believe it is within the conventional bound of "meaning loss". The statement certainly reads as edgy in Chinese as they are in English. Yet, I can see an argument that these "meaning loss" can be misleading to some.

OK, so with all this in mind. Nevermind that it was a very unpopular comment, was my comment really misinformation then? Because I am still unconvinced it should have been removed. As it is now, some could argue sexism, and some could argue no sexism regarding the comments from the devs. It is my opinion that with the context and figurative meaning included, the English equivalent would be something like "getting ass kissed until I can't sit anymore"

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How are the lead graphics designers comments not sexist?

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That is a good question, I know where the button is for the website (it's in the sidebar, in my UI it's green) but the app im using doesn't have an obvious button

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If you have a question about a moderation decision, you can msg any member of the moderation team for review/explanation. I have reviewed the removed comment and found that it was not removed in error. If anything, it should also have been removed for misinformation as well.

In the future, any comments about individual moderation actions that are not addressed to the mod team through an appropriate channel will be removed. This is to avoid derailing legitimate, topical conversations.

If it's the mod I think it is, prepare for a 30d ban ...

Based on their comments in this thread they may have earned that much of a ban

Could you clarify what comments I made that broke any rules, or were even slightly unpleasant?

Easiest to list which ones weren't. You're escalated replies aren't helping you either

You're dodging. Just say one then.

All of them then. Amazing you haven't been banned for how uncivil you are

You didn't even read them, did you?

I did and no I'm not picking them apart to point out what all was rule breaking, especially as I'm not a mod

No, but you made a claim that me being banned would be justified based on what you saw, so it is only fair that you back that claim. I provided sources for all of mine.

"Leave me alone after I talked shit about you"

She doesn't owe him any explanation for saying she could do without sea lions. He can ask why, and if she doesn't want to talk about it, he needs to fuck off.

I haven’t been banned as of this comment, but that sounds like a lovely person.

I get people downvoting. It contradicted lot of beliefs, but removal was not justified.

Oh great mod abuse is happening here as well?

How could it not happen anywhere where mods are? It is in the nature of the thing.

Every instance has its bias. Mods squash deviation from their consensus.

What is the purpose of moderating if not enforcing your personal opinion on everyone

It happens everywhere. Just Jannies doing janny things. Sweep it up, janny!

Just keep in mind: he does it for free

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