Questions about the safety of Tesla's 'Full Self-Driving' system are growing to – 234 points –
Questions about the safety of Tesla's 'Full Self-Driving' system are growing

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Questions are growing? Haven’t they been out already for fucking years??

Tesla keeps promising things are fixed in the next update, then the next update, and so on. I don't think Tealas have the proper sensors to avoid collisions and their algorithms don't think like an attentive driver does.

Everybody knows that tesla sacrificed lidar sensors with cameras because it was cheaper. Yes, lidar can do it easily

It's not seeing that's the problem. It's what to do with the information about what you see.

It's both. Imagine being half blind flying a jet and you don't understand what the instruments do.

That's a typical Tesla engineer these days. (He's fired the whole team at least twice now. The guys that are left are the most inept I desperately need a job engineers out there).

I've been questioning it since the day Mushk said "We don't need fancy pants LiDAR, regular cameras are all you need!"

As if a safety critical system shouldn't have backups or alternative sensors for verifying shit

Also things like adverse weather conditions exist, and I think sometimes the sun goes out.

Yes growing. They were birthed years ago, and Elon has done his best to nurture them so they grow big and strong