Instead of Ignoring Trans Rights at DNC, Dems Should’ve Vowed to Protect Them to politics – 8 points –

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Protection of democracy is paramount. Everything else - everything - is secondary. There are a hundred things that need to be fixed, and that has to happen after.


Yes, even for that. Because secondary.

The fact that this needs to be said is a testament to the efficacy of Republican culture war bullshit. Instead of discussing the numerous unprecedented existential threats to human civilization, everything from pollution to the end of democracy, we’re focused on… trans rights.

Fuck off with the dismissal of human rights.

If that’s what you got from my comment the Republicans have radicalized you.

There's a difference between recognizing that defending democracy is absolutely the #1 thing to be talking about and doing that and entirely going "blah blah" at basic human rights

Trans rights are literally human rights. I’m fairly certain the Democratic platform is to protect human rights. How would it benefit us to focus on one particular niche right among the others, many of which are way more important?

  • the right to clean air
  • the right to clean water
  • the right to medical care
  • the right to free speech
  • the right to choose your own gender
  • the right to remain silent
  • the right to eat pizza in the shower
  • the right to affordable housing
  • the right to education
  • the right to stick things in your butt
  • the right to listen to music
  • the right to eat random debris
  • the right to have cats
  • the right to own blankets
  • etcetera

I’m fairly certain the Democratic platform is to protect human rights.

*offer void for Palestinians and trans people.

Oh so Democrats are adopting policies to intentionally harm trans people now? To you not campaigning on something automatically means the candidate will work against that thing?

Oh so Democrats are adopting policies to intentionally harm teams people now?

They came around on immigration. They'll come around on trans rights. Wonder who's next.

What is the cost of trans to society? Because there is in fact a cost to not keeping a minimum of control over how many people and who can immigrate to a country, so it's perfectly normal to want people to get in through the regular process instead of jumping a wall.

You've adopted Republican talking points about immigration. You'll do the same with trans people.

It's not a Republican talking point, it's a pragmatic talking point. Just like you don't give birth without the State knowing about it so they know who lives where and is entitled to what, you don't want people immigrating without knowing about it and filtering the people coming in to catch the few that shouldn't be allowed in the country at all.

Progressive parties all over the world have the same point of view, immigration needs to happen but it needs to be done correctly.

It’s not a Republican talking point

It 100% is. Which Republican talking points are you gonna adopt when (not if, WHEN) Democrats show their true colors to trans people like they have to the undocumented?

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