I got SWAT'ed and handcuffed live while Linux development streaming!

ɐɥO@lemmy.ohaa.xyz to Linux@lemmy.ml – 693 points –
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Some people take tabs vs spaces too seriously.

If your front door gets kicked in, this is why.

That's right kids. To avoid this situation be sure to use tabs for indentation.

The only indentation method that the viewer has control on how big they want it.

please just use spaces, it makes everything easier


same width for all setups

So I have to use the same width as you? What if I want 3 spaces for a tab?

I use tabs for indentation then spaces after that if I need to offset a line by a specific amount of chars, such as a multi-line output or something.

Edit: to be specific: https://pastebin.com/un6iUmEp . Notice how line 3 has one tab, then several spaces before the first non-whitespace character.

I like to use asterisk spacing.

void main() {
/****/for (int i=0; i <10; ++I) {
/********/printf("hello world\n");
/********/printf("%d\n", i);

Respect. Only through destruction can we be purified.

That's spaces but worse? Why do you do this?