Biology rule to – 1040 points –

I cringe every time I hear another guy refer to women like this


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They sound like Ferengi lmao

"hUmOn FeEeMaLe!"

Don't even get me started on how the average right-wing/incel/pilled male is basically already an honorary ferengi...

Sharpen their teeth and give them some giant lobes and you wouldn't be able to tell the difference. Some of them even shave their heads already...

Don't lump those of us who own our baldness in with those pricks. I have enough trouble with people thinking I'm a cop as is.

Oh, and you can forget about wearing any kind of wrap-around shades! Might as well put on a red hat. I feel your pain.

No offense to the bald comminuty meant, my favorite commanding officers were bald!

I just meant some of the right wingers are already making themselves bald (skinheads) like ferengi are bald.

Please, the Ferengi weren't forced birthers.

Its the rest of us who are Ferengi, on our good days. Those right wingers are even worse.

Perhaps not forced birthers, they ARE however extremely sexist and force their women to be naked at all times, and have no rights...

I'd say the rest of us are more like aliens forced to LIVE on Ferenginar.