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return2ozma@lemmy.world to Lemmy Shitpost@lemmy.world – 700 points –

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Majority Leader Chuck Schumer said in a statement, "There is no place in this country for political violence of any kind."

Unless it is against the people, minorities, poor countries, or whistleblowers.

All violence is political violence.

Heck, in the US I'd almost say all politics is political violence. It seems that anytime you advocate for nonviolence here you're called naive at best, murdered at worst. Plus, our whole society was built in blood.

I guess there is a place for violence in Gaza then.

No, no, no, it only counts as violence when it's punching up! Bombing children and beating the people who say you shouldn't do that is a totally different thing!

Democrats: "We don't count that as political violence, because political violence is between people, and we don't count Gazans as people"

How do you think Republicans feel about Palestinians?

I don't think Republicans feel. They approximate the social rituals that allow them access to society (and its benefits) in the same way high functioning sociopaths do, more or less.

But inciting violence politically is, judging by recent events, absolutely fine.

*As long as it's Donald Trump inciting aforementioned violence

*And as long as it's violence on his former VP and the members of the Senate who will bend a knee to him no matter what