Lebanon’s health minister says 8 killed, 2,750 wounded by exploding pagers

technocrit@lemmy.dbzer0.com to Technology@lemmy.world – 440 points –
Nine killed, 2,750 wounded across Lebanon as Hezbollah pagers explode

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Stunning that you're being downvoted. This was a brilliant attack on a group that actually attacks Israel actually indiscriminately on the daily.

National order isnt based on tit for tat. If someone commits a war crime against you it doesnt mean you get to do it too.

In my opinion the time of day they chose to blow them shows they wanted as much collateral damage as they could.

What's the advantage of making excuses for committing war crimes?

At a certain point it stops being worth it. If sending a brainwashed 11 yo to blow up a checkpoint means you can no longer trust having any technology near you, your family and friends it might cause hesitation.

Is there any time of day it's not atrocious? Seems like any time would have basically equal risk for collateral casualties.

To be effective it all had to be at once. It seems that they waited until the pagers were being used to coordinate a fresh wave of rocket attacks with promises of more to come before setting them off.

Is there any time of day it's not atrocious? Seems like any time would have basically equal risk for collateral casualties.

Then maybe it shouldn't be done at all.

Maybe all an army has to do to take over the entire world is being their families to the front. Can't shoot back at them because their families are there. So they pretty much win every engagement. Problem solved. No more wars.

And you are saying noone is allowed to fight on their own land, as it endangers the public.

Because that time of day is when the most people will be out in public. It seems deliberately designed to cause as much damage as widely as possible. Likely to cause fear in the population.

I would agree with this if they somehow only harmed Hezbollah severely. That was not the case.

I agree, but it's still a step up from dropping a laser guided bomb on a 10 storey apartment building because somebody in Hamas might be there.

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