Cognitive Decline? Trump Stutters, Stumbles During New York Rally to politics – 403 points –
Cognitive Decline? Trump Stutters, Stumbles During New York Rally

The former president repeatedly misspoke during a speech on Wednesday.

Speaking in Long Island on Wednesday, Donald Trump was as bombastic and boastful as ever—but also slurred his words on several occasions.

Trump stumbled over words like “migrants” and “Russia” and had trouble stringing sentences together. In another instance, Trump said he was “greater even than Elvis” because unlike the King, he doesn’t have a guitar—a riff that has increasingly featured in his speeches.


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He’s about the same shape of Elvis at the end

— also probably around the same amount of amphetamine usage

— the hair is vaguely similar

— there’s a fairly decent chance Trump could die while on the toilet like Elvis

However, Trump can’t sing, can’t play guitar and is the worst dancer since Karl Rove.

I just googled "Karl Rove dancing." I have regrets.

He likes his women in the same age group, can't forget that.