Project 2025's unpopularity continues to grow: New poll shows 57% with unfavorable views of it compared to only 4% favorable to politics – 659 points –
Project 2025's unpopularity continues to grow: New poll

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And yet when piecemealed liberals and Republicans will completely embrace the aspects of project 2025. The same way they're doing KOSA which originated with the HF

Not as bad as schilling for the Russian plant Jill Stein— or acting like a traitor to promote a foreign power during an election.

You don’t know anyone like that, do you?

You think everyone that's not voting for Harris is "shilling." Dude, you are shilling for Harris all the time. lol

Im not getting paid by a foreign actor to do that, though.

And neither are the folks you're accusing. Funny how that works, right? Lol


Glad to see you're finally coming around and realizing how paranoid it was starting to sound, accusing so many people of being Russian agents or being paid by them. Whew! Thanks, friend.

Liberals are so desperate to smear anything that's a threat to their privilege in society and a perceived threat to the breadcrumbs that get tossed to them.

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This is so self-evidently preposterous I don't even know what I could add to further refute it.

What do you think people hate about it, the name? Come on. Hatred for the proposals in it is the most bipartisan thing I've seen in a decade at least.


KOSA which came from the Heritage Foundation recently passed the Senate 93 - 3

Go familiarize yourself with the total aims of Project 2025 and then maybe you'll see why you look like a complete shill trying to equate these 2 things.

The Heritage Foundation roots of KOSA

Advising getting the bill passed is imperative

And that's how the two things are equal.

Care to guess who the shill is?

What part of KOSA dissolves the Department of Education?

What part of KOSA enacts government monitoring women's pregnancies?

Do you understand the concept of false equivalency?

Do you even understand what the word "equal" is?

Stop wasting everyone's time.

I suppose you don't understand what the term piecemealed is. When liberals get on board with it, they won't advertise it as eliminating the department of education like they did not label kosa an anti-trans legislation.

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