Project 2025's unpopularity continues to grow: New poll shows 57% with unfavorable views of it compared to only 4% favorable to politics – 659 points –
Project 2025's unpopularity continues to grow: New poll

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That's... That's pretty low.

Still too high

There's some info stickers the Harris campaign sells if you want to help lower that for the people around you. Or at least increase the number of unfavorable view of it

(Can also make your own stickers like that too)

There's also apparently an audiobook recording on YouTube, for if you wanna be mad while exercising or something.

This should be amended to say that “Republicans support Project 2025, look it up”

57% is also way too low. That sjould be in the 80s

Agreed, but there are a lot of low-information voters out there who have probably never heard of it because they don't follow political news closely.

That really depends.. if I gave you a drink with a 4pct chance you'd die an agonizing death.. would you drink it?