Big oil quietly walks back on climate pledges as global heat records tumble

🌱 🐄🌱 @lemmy.worldmod to World – 644 points –
Big oil quietly walks back on climate pledges as global heat records tumble

Leading energy companies are intent on pushing the world in the opposite direction, expanding fossil fuel production and insisting that there is no alternative. It is evidence that they are motivated not by record warming, but by record profits, experts say.


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Did an oil company write this?

I hope so. You'd have to be crazy to think like that otherwise.

He is trying to say make oil unprofitable or coerce change through the "proper channels." They control the proper channels through lobbying. So that is not really going to change anything.

No, they are not, at least not completely. Oil industry is just a fraction of the whole economy. And anyway, trying to do it "through proper channels" is infinitely more productive than expect oil companies to become green out of good of their heart or something.

The oil industry is 100% of the economy. Double oil prices and see what happens to the price of everything else.

Double price of electricity… double price of labor… double price of real estate and office space costs… there are a lot of ways one can ruin economy, so what?

Yes, attack the messenger, not the message. Leads to good and intellectual discussions.