Meanwhile, in Springfield Ohio to Lemmy – 821 points –

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Never occurred to me that Ned Flanders would have sheltered Anne Frank, but it tracks.

Flanders is a devout Christian, but one that actually follows the teachings so he takes the love thy neighbour part seriously.

This is what I hate about religion. In concept it sounds great. A bunch of rules for how to live as a good person. Sounds great right?

Well the first rule of christianity is "Thou shalt not kill".

And then you realize that the leading cause of murder on earth throughout all of history is........religious wars.

And it's all downhill from there from a hyprcritical standpoint. Religion is used more as a tool to justify ones shitty behavior, rather than a guide to prevent it.

The only good christian I know of, is Ned Flanders, and he's not a real person!

But what if they are gay or worship other gods than us?

::: spoiler spoiler :::