USA approves $8.7bn aid package for Israel to politics – 113 points –

I guess they really want Israel to stop!


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Yes, exactly. Support for their defense is the same as support for their offense from a simple economic point of view. Your logic stops working when trying to wipe a small country's worth of people out.

You are no better than those that murdered and took hostages on October 7th.

This didn't start on October 7... Look at the hasbara shill everyone!

Look at the guy who wants more death of innocent people. Nothing innocent here. If figures that you would want defenseless people because you don't have the courage to assault anyone else

Israel just bombed Beruit for 11 hours straight yesterday. Thats ridiculous! And while they were bombing Beruit, people in Tel Aviv were celebrating. You don't see any of this as an Israeli land grab??

Sure, and the Lebanese danced in the street when they found out Nasrallah was dead. So what is your point?

Wait, I can cite a video of the Israelis dancing in Tel Aviv. Can you cite a video of the Lebanese people dancing in Beirut?


Yep, same old playbook. I provide it, you say you don't believe it because it's propaganda. The only people who morn Nasrallah is Iran and western communist students. Kind of funny really. But, you still haven't made a point.

But... You didn't provide it. Also, you can't really speak for me as far as what my response would be to a video of people in Beruit dancing after Nasrallah's death.

So I ask again, do you have a video of the Lebanese people dancing after Nasrallah's death?

Edit: if you grab that video from 2017, I'll provide proof of it's origin, btw.

Edit 2: actually, I'll just eliminate that option for you. Here it is.

Still waiting on proof of your claims. Remember, I'm asking for video proof of Lebanese people dancing in Beruit at news of Nasrallah's death.

I don't provide it because I don't play your games. Suffice to say that Hezbollah has killed more Lebanese and Syrians than Isreal ever did.

It isn't a game, Rapidcreek. you can keep your blindfold on and your ears plugged up though. 💋

Look at the guy who wants more death of innocent people

Yeah, you sicken us.

because you don't have the courage to assault anyone else

Your mask slipped there, it's supposed to be isreals defense this is for, not the genocide of the gazans!

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