Australian man and his dog rescued by Mexican tuna boat after drifting 3 months in the Pacific Ocean to World – 491 points –
Australian man and his dog rescued by Mexican tuna boat after drifting 3 months in the Pacific Ocean


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Jesus. That’s just so unimaginable. How many times he must have admitted defeat and resigned himself to death through that period.

How many times did the thought, when do I need to eat the dog cross his mind? Awesome they both made it alive!

I don't think it crossed his mind a lot. Dogs don't deal with starvation nearly as good as humans do. Things already get life-threatening for them after 5-7 days with no food. Humans can go 10x as much. So the fact the dog made it 3 months means they had somewhat regular access to food.

If you add that the companionship the dog gave was probably invaluable. And keeping down raw dog meat is another level from raw fish. I don't think eating the dog was much on his mind.

Water, sun, and drowning were probably a much bigger threat on their lives than starvation.

They were probably eating all the tuna, which tipped off the tuna boat to go find out what happened to all the tuna.

I haven’t thought about this. Do you think if he thought about it, he’s feeling guilty now?

Don't see why. Everyone doesn't have that familial bond with pets/animals. If it came down to it I'd eat my pet and I wouldn't think twice about it. Odds are they'd eat you vs starving to death

That’s true and I agree completely. However isn’t that what separates us from animals?

No. We seperate ourselves from animals. We're the same resource devouring idiots with an inate need to fuck and pass on our genes. The only differences between us and animals is 1. We're better at it and 2. We're aware of it.

Futurama sums it up perfectly to me: And so, life returned to normal, or at least as normal as it gets in this primitive dirtball inhabited by psychotic apes.

I can't speak for him. But, as someone who has had a dog as a family member, that dog may have made the psychological difference. Whole, "If not for me, then for this dog that is counting on me."