Pakistani religious body declares using VPN is against Islamic law to World – 524 points –
Pakistani religious body declares using VPN is against Islamic law

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Except his genitals, how do you know God isn't a woman?

Read the book. Be it the bible, tora or koran. You dont have to read it very much, it's in the beginning somewhere.

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I was thinking of changing the gender after the fact but was to lazy to edit it.

In church I've been saying in the name of the father and the son, not mother and daughter, so that's an easy assumption to make.

The big religions have omnipotent or near omnipotent gods that can appear in any form or gender. One of their powers is usually shapeshifting. So they are whaterver sex they want, sometimes even none, like for example the christian god appeared as pillars of cloud or fire.

Those were just his jets. The pillars were fire in the night and clowd during the day.

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