Reddit is still a mess to – 299 points –
Reddit is still a mess

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Still no mention of Lemmy or Kbin

It's so weird. User's will complain like hell, but never actually stop being users.

How is "competition" supposed to work if you're not willing to to switch to a "competitor"? There's no competition forcing a company to improve if you just really sternly tell them off, then continue being a customer regardless.

Because redditors aren't the customers but the product. What reddit is selling to its advertisers are people that do exactly what you said. Complain but not change.

Even earning money from them complaining since they are staying on the fucking site, watching ads, while whining. :)

They are "engaged" which means being active and that's what matters to reddit.

Gradually, then suddenly.

Most users don't make principled stands that easily. People are still on Twitter.

They'll jump ship eventually, as the services will inevitably continue their downward spiral. As far as I'm concerned they can take their sweet time. I'd much prefer seeing the fediverse grow gradually along with its own culture rather than having a sudden influx of users act as if it's an exact substitute for the place they are leaving behind.

It doesn’t help if the journalists don’t mention the Fediverse as an alternative. People will move to Discord, Facebook, Threads, or Instagram because they aren’t aware. 3 out of those 4 are owned by Meta.

Well yea, they don’t mention the fediverse because none of the oligarchs that fund their employer own it, so they have no reason to promote it at all.

That and the same oligarchs don't wanna hand over control to open source. I remember the anti-Linux FUD in the late 90s-2000s.

Considering how quickly lemmy grew. I don't think it's fair to say people never leave. Clearly a lot of people did. Just not enough unfortunately.

Lemmy currently has 0.2% the active usercount of reddit. While I too share your optimism, realistically, no real change has yet occurred. But, hopefully this is enough to spark things off. It's already leading to far, far greater activity in the lemmy app dev space.

I don't particularly want most Reddit users here. A large portion of people like low effort, manufactured, spammy crap. (Cf Facebook). I came here from Reddit because I liked Reddit most around 2004-2006.

That’s fine by me. Let the ignorant masses stay on Reddit and enjoy their memes and reposts

Just like every article about Twitter dying will mention BlueSky, Threads, etc but not Mastodon.

Mainstream media will not advertise the free market decentralized solution that is a threat to their power and influence.