Musk failed to get the necessary permits to change Twitter’s building signage to X, and the police shut it down just in time for “er” to remain. to – 1247 points –
Taylor Lorenz (

The awesome Taylor Lorenz reports this on Mastadon. Highly recommend to follow her if you like these updates about what's going on.


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To anyone interested about what's really like to deal with this man, I highly recommend giving this a read:

There are multiple stories like that from several people.

Apparently there were people at Tesla who were effectively employed to get fired when he was in one of his moods.

And if you read enough of the stories it all comes down to basically a single PA who kept him away from important things. And that person stopped working for him shortly before the public realized what an asshole he is.

And after learning that, I can't stop wondering who they work for now... And I want to see a show based on their biography.

That's a great thought. Are there any insane people that recently haven't been as loud as usual? Which "important" person had lowered thier IM A GENIUS decibel level and no one noticed? That PA could be the reason.

It wouldn't surprise me if Zuckerberg hired them.

The memes about him have been a lot less derisive, and recently they are semi-positive towards him/meta, people were reasonable in the response to his green screen grilling video and there are jokes about them changing the Threads logo high up on lemmy, etc. And he registered an X logo as trademark to potentially counter Musk.

But honestly we might never know. I doubt they went to work for someone as self-destructive as Musk.

Man, I was strangely impressed with Tumblr these days until I scrolled two.posts down and it froze me out because I wasn't signed in

Ugh, I hate that. Twitter is worse, but those unclosable popups are a good way to make sure I never create an account on a site. I have no problem with the suggestion, but make it optional.

Really? It didn’t do that to me. I clicked continue reading and went pretty far down the comments.

I’ve never even been to tumbler before so I certainly wasn’t signed in :)

I've seen this story several times now, and it's probably true. Unfortunately there's nothing else but the anecdotal story and I wish we had more corroboration from other former employees.

"Again, I cannot stress enough how much of the company culture was oriented around managing this one guy." I can't decide between wanting to have a work environment like this for once for the laughs, or not wanting to act in front of him as if he's a person to be respected. But I guess the collegial cohesion is great in this one, if you only have to tiptoe around a single person and everyone makes fun of it.