How does reporting work on Lemmy? If I report someone on another instance, do the mods from the community I report from get that report? to No Stupid – 195 points –

Asking because I get reports I make, it would seem rather silly to me if I can't report misconduct because I'm on my own instance.

Edit: so the answer is yes, another user kindly helped me verify by reporting my test post in the community on my instance. It looks like it sends the report to the relevant people just also sends it to my local admin account for whatever reason lol.


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You know, it's surprisingly vague even in the official documentation.

Let's test it out. Create a post on your instance, and then make a comment on that post, and I'll go report them both as "testing" and we'll see if you get notified.

Link them here so I can find them.

Here's the comment, idk how to make the link instance agnostic though.

Reports sent! Also, put a '!' in front of the link, like ! buffer

Edit: oh, apparently you can't deep link like that. ! will go to your instance, though, which is what I did.

Hm. Strikethrough isn't working? or is it the link breaking things?

I got them, so looks like it does work as expected, my instance admin must just also get my reports. Kinda weird but if they go to the right place as well I'm not too concerned.

Edit: strikethrough is working on my end in the connect app.

If you mark it resolved as a mod does it also resolve it as the admin or remove it from the admin q?

If you want to go to my test post and report a comment I'll let you know, I already resolved the other guys reports on the admin account.

To your edit:

It seems like the link was sucking in the strikethrough characters. If I had made a proper link [text](url) then it would have probably worked fine.

You know, it's surprisingly vague even in the official documentation.

You just described literally all of Lemmy's documentation.

I had to read the source code for Lemmy to find out what API endpoint to hit, how it worked, and what to expect on return for a script that I was writing. You need to do that for some documented API endpoints as well. Calling it "vague" is a nice way to put it.

I have no idea what reporting does. Not even if it is sent. I tried reporting some nudity content in a community, but it was broken en 2 apps, and took a very long time from the browser...

What do mean? On the standard lemmy site it should be the 3 dot menu, then the flag (aka, report) on any comment or post.

What took a long time for you?

Finding the report button wasn't hard. Sending it was. It took like 30 seconds+ of loading to send it.

Ohhhh... Well that might be an issue with your specific instance being unresponsive. The reports I just did, however, worked pretty much how you would expect, so it's not likely to be a lemmy-ui or backend bug.