Trump tied with Biden despite most voters thinking he committed serious crimes to politics – 395 points –

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Sweet Jesus the people in this country are fucking stupid.

The guy came a hallway short from ending democracy in our country and installing himself dictator and these stupid fucks want to give him another shot.

Germany did that too. But the guy did a lot better in the first term and installed himself as the only Leader. He even got imprisoned, yet he prevailed.

Please Murica, just do the right thing. The oter option isn't great, but you'll regret another Trump 4ys

When Trump lost, they decided (and were propagandized into believing) that democracy had failed. Many of them genuinely believe that the democratic party is a fascist entity bent on destroying America. That's the scary part.

I think there are about three things in play here:

  1. Quite a lot of the republican base lives in a completely different reality thanks to campaigns of propaganda and destroying education. Charitably, the best way to describe these people is extremely ignorant. For them, these indictments are dem led witch-hunts that they mostly don't believe, even when you can literally see the opposite. EG: Should presidents take classified documents? No. What are these pictures? those are classified documents at maralago. Did Trump do something wrong? Now let me tell you about Hunter Biden and the Biden crime family...
  2. Quite a lot of republicans are bordering on sociopathy if not pure evil. The party in particularly, and not the voters, know they're peddling bullshit but they don't care because it's going to get them more money/power, which is the only real goal/ideology. Then you have the white supremacists and fascists that are just evil and are doing this for ideological reasons.
  3. Systems are designed in this country to perpetuate this. Literal minority rule is a founding principal of this country.

Calling on my fellow Canadians to grab their shovels and dig a trench along the boarder so we can push off into the ocean and away from this clusterfuck.

I'm sorry but if you're going to try to overthrow thus democracy, you're not going to do it with a bunch of lawyers.

They have been voting "red" and "blue" liars for a century sure they are stupid...

Keep in mind though that they are victim of propaganda, the whole system is rigged and needs to be healed

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