Barack Obama Is Also Scared Shitless That Donald Trump Could Win Another Term: Report

Eureka to politics – 812 points –
Barack Obama Is Also Scared Shitless That Donald Trump Could Win Another Term: Report

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These are two separate things.

Yes, I agree that he should retire and pass the torch to whoever wins an open primary without interference by the DNC.

But that doesn't mean he can't win.

I'd vote for a cat with mange and one eye who lives in an IHOP dumpster over a Nazi sympathizer.

I would certainly prefer nearly anyone reasonable over that cat.

But I'll be damned if I'm going to not vote against the collapse of American democracy, irrespective of how enthused or not I am about who that vote is ultimately for.

Though really, it's the two party system that needs retirement.

I probably agree with ~80% of the US electorate on the issues that are actually most important to me. Which means we should have one party that represents that vast majority with aggressive open ranked choice primaries to see who controls it, with fringe groups like outspoken communists or fascists needing to run severely minority candidates rather than kidnapping half the nation by getting lucky during a fragmented closed primary process with a dozen candidates for only half the nation.

Nazi Germany could have been defeated with ranked choice voting well before WWII.

American democracy must be preserved or the world is fucked, but it should also probably get a bit of an update with the best features developed and vetted in democracies since 1776.

First of thank you for a well thought out rebuttle, I'm going to need a bit to support and counter some of your points. I didnt want to not reply and think I was just trolling/ghosting.

Refusing to allow their candidate be primaried, refusing debates, suing to keep other partys off the ballot doesn't sound that democratic. If democrats were truly concerned about keeping republicans out of office they need to make the moral choice and vote 3rd party. Because we will not support your neoliberal, corporate owned, warhawk. Doesnt matter if its red or blue in office, the working class and poor continue to get fucked over by them. And being told they are doing well, despite the evidence they are not, is not that convincing.

Oh damn, you're right. The Dem doesn't pass a 1000% purity test. Guess I'll just stay home and let others decide my fate.

Its not a purity test, its holding them accountable. Something voters are incapable of doing.

You're right about us being incapable but for the wrong reason. We're incapable of holding politicians accountable with our votes because of jerry mandering and an extremely broken two party system. If we had more options, that were actually options, we could vote better. But right now, we're forced to vote for the lesser of two evils. And the right is trying really hard to make this super obvious if you're even paying a modicum of attention. They are mustache twirling evil and super up front about it these days.

If the millions of Dem voters refused to support the DNC and voted 3rd party it would break the 2 party system. One election is all it would take. Why choose a lesser evil, which doesn't exist, when you could vote for no evil.

It's voters that keep the oppressive 2 party system alive.

If democrats were truly concerned about keeping republicans out of office they need to make the moral choice and vote 3rd party.

Um... that would put Trump in office. I have no idea what sort of "logic" you used to come up with that one.

We are not voting for your shitty candidates, so if you were truly concerned about keeping Republicans out you would fall in line and vote 3rd party. The status quo you protect only helps the bankers and corporations that run our government and ficks over the working class and poor.

How does voting third party keep Republicans out?

It doesn't... but watch for the active accounts that push apathy leading into the next election. It's going to be a common pattern.

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