Is there a business in your town, which you are 100% sure is a front? to – 501 points –

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Town of 20k people, we had a wool shop... just sold wool only. Always thought it was a front, years later found out they won the lotto(2mil) blew it all keeping the wool shop open almost 10 years with zero customers lol

You do have to admire that sort of commitment though.

I knew a guy in my town who worked a shitty job at the Oasis factory making the green foam that florists stick flowers into, just so he could keep a tiny book store he owned open. As an adult, I now wonder if he also sold weed on the side.

Aww, that's touching. I hope his store made him so happy that he didn't care about his foam drudgery

Like wool clothing or raw wool? I love wool clothing, but who has a use for raw wool?

I would have thought they meant finished yarn for knitters and crocheters (and likely accessories for knitting and crocheting.)

Are you in Switzerland? Another commenter was mentioning a wool shop with no customers that seemed like a front, lol.

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