Squabblr now officially a "free speech" cesspool, admins removed or forced out by owner

Carighan Maconar@lemmy.world to Reddit@lemmy.world – 310 points –
Post from jayclees | Squabblr - Social Discussions

So I mean, most of us knew this beforehand and being on the fediverse we probably do not really care, but what was always on the horizon has no happened, the owner of Squabblr finally had enough having to be a decent person and has decided that his site is now "free speech purism", so he gets to continue to insult LGBTQ people like he always does.

Seems from the comments that some other admins disagreed with the decision (so there were some decent people on that site!) and either left or were removed.

Not entirely surprising the whole thing, granted.

Also, apologies as this isn't truly reddit news but Squabblr was one of the sites frequently brought up in /r/redditalternatives so I figured this might still be relevant?


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Of course, but it's important to keep in mind that so-called "free speech absolutists" don't actually want free speech. They want freedom of consequences for their very specific, narrow, non-free speech. They would love to censor the living shit out of everybody else.

So there's a difference between free speech, and, well, "free speech".

Yup, that's been my experience of listening to them as well.

It's so enticing to people that are unfamiliar with the narrative that free speech absolution is the ideal and that these guys are standing up for it. When you pay attention they bend their own rules for themselves all the time.

The biggest problem with this "us vs. them" mentality everyone seems so eager to jump towards, is that since both sides must always be opposed, you're now on the side that is against free speech. That's going to do nothing but strengthen their side and weaken yours. Open your heart to other humans, especially the ones you don't like. Try to understand them and realize you can hold your beliefs without silencing theirs. How will anyone change if nobody talks to each other? Words are what make us human, they have the power to change everything. It's how we've survived as long as we have. One "hello" from a fellow human can save a suicidal persons life. The only way you can change the world is if you speak your heart and listen to others.

I know there is a lot of hate and nonsense out there but you're grouping it all together under one image and painting everyone who doesn't think like you as the enemy. It's not helpful. Yes, they do it too, but that's not an excuse. Be better.

Open your heart to other humans, especially the ones you don’t like. Try to understand them and realize you can hold your beliefs without silencing theirs.

They are using their speech to foment stochastic terrorism against people like me. So no, they can't "hold their beliefs" whilst I act as if they're just words. They want me erased, and I'm not going to find a corner to die in just to uphold an ideal of speech purity that never existed in the first place.

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Yeah, you totally miss what is going on here. You are not going to find a person in this thread that isn't open to talking to people who have different beliefs than them, and engaging in sane rational discussions. That is not what this is about. The alt-right is co-opting the term "free speech" to be able to say any bigoted and hateful thing they want without having to face any repercussions for doing so. On top of that, they are also CENSORING the fuck out of any opinions they do not like. Argue with them, and get banned. It is happening everywhere right wingers are yelling "free speech". Look at everyone Musk has blocked on Twitter

It's one thing to speak from your heart and foster dialog so that different people can share their different POV. However, I'm someone who is on these forums to spend a little time learning about new ideas and issues without it becoming a heated, involved debate. These "free speech platforms" seem to inevitably devolve into arguments. I'm not LGBTQ+ but a lot of arguments and tense, heated conversations seem to be centered around that lately, with reaching a middle ground impossible. (especially since on side wants the other to not exist or have any rights at all). (ETA: To be clear, a lot of free speech proponents just want to be able to say racial or otherwise bigoted slurs without any repercussions. ) I don't want to hear other people arguing on my limited online time.. I just want a pleasant, educational, respectful experience, which is what I get on kbin, Lemmy, and Tildes. I know that some people love debating and winning arguments but I am not here to change minds or win on the Internet. If someone loves debating and dominating a conversation, more power to them, but I seek out chill, mellow online spaces. Real life is stressful enough. Can you understand why I might want to avoid an advertised free speech space?

We aren't talking about disagreeing between tax rates, or whether or not to privatize social security. We're talking about whether or not a particular group of people should exist, whether people should have rights, be able to vote, go to school, etc. This isn't one of those times where we sit in a circle and has things out. We aren't grouping different things together. It's just the one thing. Human Rights. And we aren't going to give an inch on it. It's absolutely a hill worth dying on.

And how do you expect to change anyone's mind if you don't talk to each other? How are you supposed to empathize, be empathized with, challenge views, and have your views challenged? Nothing changes and society is weakened by burying your head in the sand.

Again, this isn’t any other thing in existence other than human rights. If you want to have a conversation about how Cilantro doesn’t taste like shit, we can have a discussion about it. It tastes like soap, but I’m willing to hear you out on why I should make my food taste like soap. If you say a human being doesn’t deserve the right to be themselves I’m ending the conservation.

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