Is there a more politically conservative part of the fediverse?locked to No Stupid – 43 points –

I'm a conservative. I don't mind the liberal stuff here. It's good to learn the other side, but I don't want a liberal echo chamber. I'd like to be more politically balanced in the fediverse. Is there any way I can do that?


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The fediverse is what people make of it.

I think a balance of liberal to conservative discussions can be good for the general consensus. However, it usually ends in a screaming match. Liberals want change. Conservatives don't want change.

The best option for humanity is to have some change and not change things too quickly, but in order to reach that happy medium, we have to talk through it, apply critical thinking, and be able to listen and reflect when we receive new information.

It also doesn't help that the view of what Americans have on what is conservative and what Europe views as conservative is very different. American politics lean right by default, so when people tend to refer to conservatism in the US it is almost always referring to the far-right. If Joe Biden was a politician nearly anywhere in Western Europe, he would likely be seen at the very least as an economic conservative.

Joe Biden would probably be one of the more right wing members in the liberal party here (which is a right wing party). The US definitions of liberal and conservative are totally out of touch with the actual philosophical/ideological underpinnings of those terms.

then it must be specified if we already are aware that people will assume American conservative when they hear the word conservative. though, it's unlikely OP meant anything other than American conservatism, see buzz-words like "liberal echo chamber"

Conservatives also want to take away peoples rights, ban books, make it harder to vote, and hurt minorities.

Excuse me, but as a black person I've heard so many people in the star trek community saying racial slurs against me without a care in the world

It's why I hate that stupid show now