Linux users are the vegans of the computer world to – 64 points –

"As a Linux user..."

Yeah yeah, you're right. But can you maybe shut up about it for just a minute?






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as a vegan linux user...



no one is paying for the torture of animals and your youtube video sucks.

what do you think the money you buy meat with is used for?

Windows licenses?

what do you think the money you spend on beans is used for? but after you give it to the same stores I do, it's not your money any more and you don't get to decide what happens to it any more than I do.

based on your comments, you're probably just a troll, buy just in case, here's a really simple explanation.

so i buy beans from a store. the store has fewer beans, so they buy more from the company that sells them. i don't buy meat, so that is one less meat product that they have to restock. therefore, instead of giving my money to the meat industry, they give it to the bean industry. on a small scale, that obviously makes no difference, but if enough people stop buying meat, less meat will be produced, which leads to fewer animals being tortured.

the store gets to decide what to do with their money and they can choose to take the bean money and stock up on hotdogs for labor day.

and when they don't have beans, i don't give them anymore money

It's crazy that you have to explain this in such a basic way but it's still ignored/denied/misunderstood.

i doubt they'll run out of beans. they probably already bought enough for the year on contract. same with the hotdogs, too, for that matter.

calling me names doesn't change whether what i said is true.

hey i didn't say you are a troll, just that you probobly are one. and yeah, it's true that they can do what they want with any money they get, but what they will do is use it to replace the things that people buy. otherwise, people stop buying things from them.

You're proposing people stop buying things from them now.

??? i was saying that if they don't sell what people want to buy, people won't buy things from them

if enough people stop buying meat, less meat will be produced

i don't think that will ever happen

You haven't ever had good tofu, clearly.

you think good tofu will make people give up their cultural foods and farming tradition?

I'd say people have already given up on farming tradition, you have any idea what goes on in those places? It's nothing like it was 100 years ago. Those foods in question are produced as quickly and cheaply as possible at the animal's expense. Not to mention the consumer's! I'm not missing out on anything except stress and growth hormones by not eating meat. Maybe some parasites too. Besides, the spices are where the real flavor has always been. I obviously don't think change will happen overnight but I highly recommend you give some extra-firm tofu a second chance, maybe drain, deep fry it and pour on some sweet and sour sauce- you might just be surprised! lmk if you need a recipe. Hummus is really great too, if you need more proof vegan food can be indulgent and exciting

I already drink Soylent and huel. I'm not saying anything about the palletability of vegan food. you seem to be the one fixated on taste.

ok yeah, cool but that explains EVERYTHING right there, imo. I'm sure they're not that bad but you couldn't pay me to try either of those tbqh- I'll eat some fruit, thanks

i drank a lot of huel (though i did skip a lot of the flavors) and i have to say i don't think it's great. every flavor is too sweet EXCEPT the unflavored unsweetened, but that was a chore to drink. by contrast, i just started drinking soylent original powder and i like it a great deal.

no one is torturing animals.

some factory farms are torturing animals. depending on your definition, not all are, but the ones that remove pigs' tails and castrate calves without sedatives are definitely torturing them.

they're not torturing them. they're not being cruel for cruelty's sake. The point isn't the pain. The pain is incidental. it's not torture.

Too often it is...

once is too often. that doesn't mean that the vast majority of them are experiencing torture. or even millions. or even thousands.