Microsoft now has implemented "compare with Bing chat" button when you visit Google Bard in Edge to – 475 points –

When you visit the Google's chatbot bard's website in Microsoft Bing. A New Button pops up besides the search bar which lets you compare bard results with Bing chat's. I have no idea why they implemented this, well maybe to show off the their chatbot is better than bard or something?


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Not really one to defend Google, but Microsoft is out of line on this (and a lot of other stuff they do). Sadly our Congresspeople are pretty much owned by these corps and won't do anything about it.

You mean like when you visit a Google service (Gmail, Google, Maps ...) on a non Chrome browser it bugs incessantly to switch?

It's pervasive and it stinks, but it's not Microsoft. It's our current capitalist gestalt.

Never had this happen on Firefox yet.

Does Firefox even have any other service beside their broswer which they could use for such a promotion?

Yes, Mozilla also has Hubs, vpn, Pocket and more

Pocket is one where I wish Firefox Mobile had integration instead of needing a separate app.

Either I've just gotten blind for these messages, or it has never happened to me. I'm using Firefox and have been using it for years, but so far I haven't really noticed these messages at all on Google services.

I've been using Firefox for years to access Google services, and have never ever had a single issue. I hope it stays this way, with all this Web Environment Integrity shenanigans they are pushing for at the moment.

You did not imagine that. I remember back when Google was being obnoxious about that. They cut it out years ago though, possibly after some bad pr over it.

I've never had this happen to me, and I've been on firefox for over 8 years at this point

It happens on Edge but not Firefox I believe. My work laptop defaults to Edge (and we use all Microsoft Web services so I haven't cared to switch the default) and Google services prompt to try Chrome there.

Edit: I just checked and it doesn't seem to be there. Either I imagined it or they removed it.

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