Pick a side Javascript

alphacyberranger@lemmy.world to Programmer Humor@programming.dev – 656 points –

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artificial insemination; beard marriage, loves her husband platonically. I am a JS dev.

Lesbian, in marriage with another lesbian and adopted 3 kids. Still virgin.

Her partner is actually a woman, but dynamic type casts made her write "husband".

I was thinking they were his kids from the previous marriage, though artificial insemination works just as well!

I've had a JavaScript certification for over a decade now and I think I hate you.

Java devs are prima mental gymnasticists, always able to make anything make sense.

JS !== Java

Try Javascript some day!

  • We have truthy and falsy! Empty string or null? Yeah, that's false!
  • Of course we can parse a string to number, but if it's not a number it's NaN!
  • null >= 0 is true!
  • Assign a variable with =, test type equality with == and test actual equality with ===. You will NEVER use the wrong amount of = anywhere, trust me!
  • Our default sort converts everything to string, then sorts by UTF-16 code. So yes, [1, 10, 3] is sorted and you are going to live with it.
  • True + true = 2. You know I'm right.

Try Javascript today!

Our default sort converts everything to string, then sorts by UTF-16 code. So yes, [1, 10, 3] is sorted and you are going to live with it.

I'm not sure whether this is satire or not.

It's not. The default sorter does that, because that way it can sort pretty much anything without breaking at runtime. You can overwrite it easily, though. For the example above you could simply do it like this:

[3, 1, 10].sort((a, b) => a - b)

Returns: [1, 3, 10]

The default sorter does that, because that way it can sort pretty much anything without breaking at runtime.

who the fuck decided that not breaking at runtime was more important than making sense?

this js example of [1, 3, 10].sort() vs [1, 3, 10].sort((a, b) => a - b) will be my go to example of why good defaults are important

who uses utf 16? people either use utf 8 (for files) or utf 32 (for string class O(1) random access)

I made the thing in the thing print "hello world" with C# once, is Javascript for me?

True + true = 2. I've heard memes about Javascript, but jeez. It's really that bad?