Windows 11 vs Linux supported HW to – 1451 points –

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Game compatibility

Steam+Proton is pretty impressive. I can play Baldur's Gate 3 on my Thelio. Does get a little toasty, though ....

Why would you buy that? Overpriced and with that case it's no wonder that things get toasty. There's like fuck all for airflow. If you want a case with wood accents, there's the North from Fractal Design, which have great airflow thanks to their open fronts.

I’m so happy something like this exists. I hate RGB and love wood on my electronics. Think I’m gonna pick one of these up.

I didn't buy it for a gaming machine. I was pleasantly surprised that a fancy new Windows game ran on it at all!

Because it's open source i.e. fully upgradable and repairable, and the mission behind the company is something I would want to support.

It's a prebuilt company that doesn't use proprietary garbage to force each and every customer to buy an entire new system when their original purchase starts to become obsolete.

I don't own anything from system76, I've built my own my whole life, but I still believe prebuilts should be for people who can't build their own, not a timeless and somehow socially acceptable way to scam your customer and still have them come back for more

Are there prebuilt desktop PCs that aren’t? I have personally yet to see one, even though I build my own. Maybe some small form-factor office rigs would be a hassle, but those are not really marketed to usecases where upgrading makes much sense anyway,

That doesn't make sense. Many hardware stores offer an assembly of your hand picked hardware, which gives you 100% control over the components and actually fair prices, as well as the option to use a more sensible case. Of course it costs a bit extra to let them do that and you have to buy everything in one store, which might be more expensive than spreading it out, but it is still better than 90% of those prebuilt systems.
And nothing there is open source, you can install Linux on any computer you want, regardless of where it came from. They just save the Windows license costs.

I thought you were just being a dick but then I checked out the North from Fractal Design and wow it’s beautiful!

I'm just calling out those idiotic cases that completely choke your hardware of air. You want an open front (or similar depending on the form factor) to get a bunch of silent fans in to let your system breath properly. Bad airflow will just cause your temps to rise, which also severely increases the noise.

Thermaltake coreV21 has entered the chat.

I don't see any wood on that. Personally I had bad experiences with TT's quality too, but that was admittedly a long time ago with the Shark.

Yeah I just meant for 200mm front fan airflow, plus all the fan options on top, sides back. But for wood I would grab a System76 Thelio.

Why the hell would you get that, especially over the Nord? That doesn't make any sense.

Designed, built and materials sourced in the USA, and high attential to details. Their own back plane for SATA connections and custom board for controlling thermals. All open sources designs.

So American exceptionalism makes you go for the worse product. Really says it all. But you do you.

I'm not American, but system76 is an opensource company and actually builds a very good products and their own OS. I would choose USA built also because I'm Canadian and reduces chinese components and possible slave labour. Not sure why you care so much about my choice. lol

It just sounds very weird for non Americans to value "made in US" labels so much. America doesn't actually have that kind of product reputation, except for maybe fighter jets.

They don't have to have a reputation, some people just want to support more locally made or sourced products than relying on China as the worlds factory for too many reasons to list. System76 has been building PoP!OS with good gaming and hardware support, they have also spent a lot of time doing proper airflow analysis, to maximize airflow without over revving the fans, and as somebody who values opensource as well as they have been opensourcing all their hardware designs so if you wanted to take their CAD files you could build your own case , keyboard, etc you could

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