Trump State Department appointee found guilty of seven felonies in Jan. 6 case to politics – 448 points –
Trump State Department appointee found guilty of seven felonies in Jan. 6 case

One. He opted for a fucking bench trial.


Woodward argued that it was in "the eye of the beholder" what Klein was doing in the tunnel

Yes you just opted to have the judge be the eye beholden to. Great job very intelligent person.


“This case rests on reasonable doubt,” Woodward said. “What they cannot prove is what the intent was here.”

I don't think dude's lawyer understands "reasonable". Dude indicated he was going to punch someone. Video cuts out. An officer got punched while the video was off. It's reasonable to think that people mean what they say, which is why you shouldn't say dumb shit like I'm going to punch you.

Just like when fuckers say, "you'll take my gun over my dead body." It is reasonable to assume that person intends to follow though with that. Now, you can't lock them up till we have an assault or murder, but once we cross that line, it's fair game to take all those words at face value.



I had to Google this because I thought you were correct and I found it interesting. However till is the same as 'til, til and until. They are synonyms of till. There is the verb that means to work by plowing, sowing and raising crops. There is the noun that is the money drawer at the store. As well as the noun use of unstratified glacial drift consisting of clay, sand, gravel, and boulders intermingled. There are many uses. So your correction is wrong.

Are you using the dictionary that defines Literally as Figuratively?

Remember, dictionaries show trends. They're a popularity contest and, like Mr Trump, something can be popular and still very wrong.

“During the trial, Woodward argued that it was in "the eye of the beholder" what Klein was doing in the tunnel. He acknowledged that Klein's presence at the front of the police line wasn't a factor in their favor, but that the government had not proven Klein's intent that day”

Yeah I’m gonna take a guess he knew full well what he was doing and just getting to the tunnel he would’ve had to fought to get in the position he was in.

As if he just found himself among the chaos by happenstance, wandering around like Travolta.gif

You also don't attack police without knowing what you're doing unless it's a psychotic break with reality. I doubt it was a psychotic break in this case.

I’m glad some of these people that fucked around are actually finding out. Now it’s time for the king fuck up.

Anyone know if r/KeepTrack made it over here?

Ugh. How is Trump in the lead of the polls for the Republican primary?

Polls this early don’t mean anything. They’re just useful for encouraging donations.