Biden Uses Trump 'Muslim Ban' Maneuver to Cap Asylum Seekers to – 43 points –

President Joe Biden on Tuesday signed an executive order to restrict asylum seekers at the U.S.-Mexico border, using a controversial regulation last introduced by his predecessor.

The new restriction will effectively halt the number of migrants able to cross into the U.S. once a daily cap has been reached and allow officials to swiftly deport those who enter illegally.

The measure would kick in once illegal entries surpassed 2,500 per day over a seven-day average, which means it would take effect immediately as crossings already surpass that figure.

Legal challenges are expected, with the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) telling Newsweek on Tuesday that it would be reading the order closely.

Following the White House announcement, the ACLU confirmed it would sue, just as it had during the Trump administration.


What a terrible policy

Asylum seekers should always be given safe harbor

The real issues of immigration are solved with legalization, not criminalization

Also, by actually properly funding immigration courts.

That was in the bill that the Republicans shot down. This is the best bandaid Biden can slap on it for now.

Genuine question, does anyone have any better suggestions that can be implemented in a reasonable timeframe? Immigration is a bad economic target for so many reasons, but Americans overwhelmingly view it as a critical issue. When 1 in 5 of your citizens, regardless of party, considers it the most pressing issue right now in an election year and it is the thumping drum of your opponent, you're going to be under a lot of pressure to act. I don't want this EO to happen but I kind of have to be willing to say I'm in the vast minority in my country, evidently. This is a social/educational problem to solve first, I think.

Immigration has been a floating issue for the past years. Both parties are now viewing it as an issue because the Democrats have recently adopted the Republican stance of fearmongering on immigration and posturing who is the most hardliner for anti-immigration. It is a self fulfilling prophecy.

If Biden wanted to do something about it he should have started years ago. Flipping the nitro switch 6 months before the election when his decision is likely illegal and will be undone in the period leading up to the election, I can't see this benefiting him.

European research has also revealed that pandering to right wingers does not get them to vote for you:

immigration is only an issue for the top elites

if the tap were opened and the people flowed in other things most certainly would come with it

the stale idea of Americana would have fresh air blown in made of different political views/ culture/ life experiences if we were to just open the windows and let the air circulate

that is the threat the elites want our leaders to eradicate

new people bring new ways of life and thinking to the current populace and challenge current status quos

Biden and Trump both help the elitist agenda

but this cannot be true his name is not Trump how could he do anything wrong

this would mean both parties are the same low quality off brand soda under the red and blue labels

Dems haven't had a doc leak showing they literally plan to dismantle democracy. Both parties are shit, but one is DEFINITELY way worse

Misguided headline...It wasn't a Muslim ban. It was a ban on terrorist hotspots

*After the first two Muslim bans were too blatantly racist for even that Supreme Court, they came up with just enough bullshit to cover their racism to get the third Muslim ban attempt to stick

Trump called it Muslim ban. Trump used code 212f to force it through, which Biden is using right now.

What Trump did turned out to be illegal and got reversed. What Biden is doing right now is likely illegal as well.