Gay man ‘tortured’ in Qatar for his sexuality is sentenced: 'This is a breach of my human rights' to World – 221 points –
Gay man ‘tortured’ in Qatar for his sexuality is sentenced: 'This is a breach of my human rights'

Ok but this gay British dude (who needs HIV meds on top!) willingly moved to a country where he is automatically made a criminal for his sexuality. How lucrative must this job have been to take such a huge risk?

There's a lot of gay men who don't even consider that these laws will apply to them. It doesn't help that a lot of people will say "oh those laws only apply to locals, they won't enforce them on international people".

That somehow feels worse to me. Can of yikes if they really think that way.

I think a lot of lgbtq dont realize just progressive first world countries are, and how dangerous third world countries are.

He’d be fine in a lot of third world countries. He really just had to go to one of the worst in terms of LGBTQ acceptance.

Why is 'tortured' in quotes

A lot of newspapers do that in headlines. They don’t necessarily mean scare quotes.

Not defending it or implying he’s lying. Just that many newspapers — especially in England — do that a lot and it doesn’t necessarily carry connotations. It often means they have a direct quote. He probably was tortured and they more using it for emphasis rather than doubt.

Because Christopher Hitchens supported the Iraq war 11 years ago and human beings are incapable of holding more than one idea in their head at a time

I'm sorry, but what do people who move to the Middle East expect? I wasn't allowed to wear my Saint Christopher Medal in Kuwait, a country where being Christian is legal. Do people really think they won't enforce these laws?

I wonder if he got lucky because they didn’t kill him.

They’re not letting him take his HIV meds which could very well kill him

this way they get to watch him suffer and think it the action of god and believe themselves righteous for not offering assistance

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And [We had sent] Lot when he said to his people, "Do you commit such immorality as no one has preceded you with from among the worlds?(80)Indeed, you approach men with desire, instead of women. Rather, you are a transgressing people."(81)