Programming as a hobby means I can do whatever I want! to Programmer – 228 points –

I have to say, I'm getting more and more frustrated by the bad code I have to write due to bad business circumstances.

I want clean, readable code with proper documentation and at least a bit of internal consistency and not the shoehorned mess of hacks, todos and weird corner cases.


I found a simple trick against this: just remove them. Accept it ain’t gonna happen man.

Well, yes, but the underlying issues still persist, so it's not exactly a sustainable strategy.

It’s mostly a joke, but often when I find todos they’re so old they’re no longer relevant.

Of course you shouldn’t blindly remove todos.

Don't just put "TODO". If they're in the final pull request, they need to mention a ticket that's intended to fix that TODO. If you/your team decides it's not important, then remove it and close out the ticket. Either way, you're required to do something with it.

Instead of

if let Some(a_) = a{
} else if let Some(b_)=b{
} else {

you could just use

if a.isNone()&&b.isNone(){

Also if you don't use the value in a match just use _

Also you can use enums insteas of string literals

I'm not sure how I would go about this in an elegant way since I'm matching the string I get from a message…

If the message used enums for actions/procedures like SPAM_MEMES, then using enums would be more performant

That's a good point, thanks. Maybe I'll go without the if entirely, the (janky) code is still very much in flux ;)

I don't nearly know enough to understand this but is anyone willing to help me get the thing on the top :>