Bored of the MIT and GPL Licenses? Switch From That Lame Old Legalese to One of These 10 Awesome Licenses! to Programmer – 94 points –
Bored of the MIT and GPL Licenses?  Switch From That Lame Old Legalese to One of These 10 Awesome Licenses! - LowEndBox

Where hot potato license?

HOT POTATO LICENSE Version 2, September 2021 All rights reserved by the last person to commit a change to this repository, except for the right to commit changes to this repository, which is hereby granted to all inhabitants of the Milky Way Galaxy for the purpose of committing changes to this repository.

No mention of WTF-PL?

Yeah, licenses like WTFPL highlight the difference between freedom for the user vs freedom for the developer.

I'm still not sure about which to consider the best license

A really important thing to remember with all licenses is that they're only as useful as your ability to enforce them... in court. And there's a non-zero chance that at least some of these are practically unenforceable anyways.